Pneumonia as an occupational illness

Monday, June 11, 2018, 2:47 a.m. By Atty. Dennis Gorecho To be entitled to compensation and benefits, it is not sufficient to simply establish that the seafarer’s pneumonia has rendered him permanently or partially disabled; it must also be shown that there is a causal connection between the seafarer’s illness or injury and the work

Accident or Illness Report while on board the vessel

Wednesday, March 21, 2018, 12:41 a.m. By: Atty. Dennis R. Gorecho The liabilities of the employer when the seafarer suffers work-related injury or illness during the term of his contract include medical treatment apart from disability benefits and sickness allowance. A medically repatriated seafarer, either due to an injury or an illness, should remember that

The 120/240 day rule on seafarer’s disability cases

12:36 am Tuesday, July 11, 2017 By: Atty. Dennis R. Gorecho The number of days under medication is a significant element in determining the disability benefits of a seafarer who was a medically repatriated. The seafarer’s standard employment contract of the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA)    enumerates under Section 20(A) (3) the three classes of benefits the

Third doctor opinion rule in seafarer’s compensation claims

Thursday, April 27, 2017 By: Atty. Dennis R. Gorecho In the event of the disagreement on the services of the third doctor, the seafarer has the right to institute a complaint for disability benefits directly before the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) or the National Conciliation and Mediation Board (NCMB).           This is the ruling

Medical attention on board ship

1:50pm February 10, 2017 By: Atty. Dennis R. Gorecho           The experience of a Korean seafarer posted by Humans at Sea  focused on inaction of the owner after he suffered an accident while on board the vessel during the effectivity of his employment contract. The owner refused to send him to a doctor despite

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